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上海龙凤419:University of Liverpool shines in Shanghai Global Subject Rankings

Admin888 2025年01月17日 56 0

University of Liverpool shines in Shanghai Global Subject Rankings

The University of Liverpool now has five subjects in the world’s top 50 according to one of the most prestigious global university ranking systems.上海龙凤419

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), commonly known as the Shanghai Ranking, has placed the University of Liverpool in the top 50 in the world in the following subject areas:

Vet science: 18th (2nd in the UK)上海娱乐网

Management: 32nd (3rd in the UK)爱上海419论坛

Business administration: 37th

Geography 41st上海花千坊

Public health: 48th (10th in the UK)

A variety of subject areas across the University also ranked within the top 100 in the world including:上海养生网

Oceanography: (4th in the UK)

Law: (7th in the UK)

Physics: (10th in the UK)


Transportation Science爱上海同城论坛

The Shanghai ranking was first published in 2003 by researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Its key focus is research and academic excellence by assessing alumni and faculty achievements.爱上海龙凤419

The Shanghai subject rankings measure the performance of world universities in respective subjects and provide a detailed evaluation of universities’ expertise and achievements within particular fields of study.上海品茶网

Vice Chancellor Professor Tim Jones said: “To feature subjects across a broad range of disciplines in the top 50 in the world is a testament to our excellent global reputation. I’d like to thank everyone who works so hard across the institution to deliver the course which have achieved these remarkable rankings.”


本文地址: https://qinglvhuyu.com/shxczy/16.html





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